The Soil Science Study Program (PSIT) was established on June 20, 1984, by the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 39/Dikti/Kep/1984 under the name of the Undergraduate Soil Science Study Program, which was part of the Department of Agricultural Cultivation. PSIT at the Faculty of Agriculture, UNS, has undergone similar dynamics to those experienced by Soil Science Study Programs at agricultural universities across Indonesia. Previously named the Department of Soil Science, in 2008, it was merged with the Department of Agronomy to become the Agrotechnology Study Program. Prior to the merger, PSIT used the 2007 curriculum. However, after becoming part of the Agrotechnology Study Program, it adopted the 2012 Agrotechnology curriculum, where Soil Science became one of the three interests in the Agrotechnology Study Program (Agronomy, Plant Pests & Diseases, and Soil Science). In 2013, PSIT officially separated from the Agrotechnology Study Program. The permit for PSIT was reinstated on April 16, 2013, based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 115/E/O/2013.