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Youth Empowerment: Climate Change and Farming Machinery Lecture

The Undergraduate Program of Soil Science at the Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, held a guest lecture on August 31st, 2021, at 15:30 WIB. The lecture was delivered by Dr. James MacGregor from Landscape Architect Ecoplannet, Canada, with Mrs. Komariah, S.T.P., M.Sc., Ph.D. serving as the moderator. Dr. James MacGregor presented a topic on Climate Change and Farming Machinery: “The Role of The Youth.”

Dr. James began by discussing climate change, an ongoing global issue, and its effects on agricultural practices. He emphasized the crucial role that youth play in addressing global warming. Additionally, Dr. James highlighted the advancements in agricultural machinery, particularly in North America, detailing its development and application to optimize agricultural practices in that region.

The lecture sparked great enthusiasm among the participants, who eagerly asked numerous questions related to climate change. Recognizing the urgent need to address climate change due to its widespread impacts, the participants left the lecture more informed and aware of the necessary steps to combat this pressing issue.

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