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The admission of UNS students is governed by Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2020 concerning Admission of Students of Bachelor Degree Programme at State Universities. According to the regulation, students can be admitted using one of three schemes: Academic Record-based State University National Entrance Exam (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri – SNMPTN), Joint Entrance Exam for State University (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri – SBMPTN), or Independent Selection (SM UNS). SNMPTN and SBMPTN are administered by The Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri – LTMPT) while SM UNS is organised by the respective state university (UNS).

The new student admission quotas for each scheme are as follows: 20% SNMPTN, 35% SBMPTN, and 45% SM UNS (Rector Regulation Number: 192/UN27/HK/2022). Detailed descriptions of the three schemes’ requirements are as follows:

1) Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN)

In accordance with the state university entrance selection system, SNMPTN is intended for students who have achieved high academic standing in senior high school (SMA, SMK, MA). Students eligible for this selection are those who graduate in the current year and are the best students in their schools (40%, 25%, and 5%, respectively, for schools with A, B, and C accreditation status). The selection is based on academic grades from semesters one to five, non-academic achievements (if any), and a portfolio (only for applicants in arts and sports study programmes). All requirements and procedures for SNMPTN and SBMPTN are accessible at https://ltmpt.ac.id/.

2) Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN)

SBMPTN is open to high school students who graduate within the last three years. Students will be selected through a computer-based written exam (Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer – UTBK). UTBK is designed to assess prospective students’ general ability to predict their success in higher education by using higher order thinking assessments. UTBK test materials include the Scholastic Aptitude Test (Tes Bakat Skolastik – TPS), English Language Proficiency Test (Tes Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris – TKBI), and Academic Ability Test (Tes Kemampuan Akademik – TKA). TPS assesses logical reasoning abilities, quantitative abilities, comprehension and general knowledge, as well as reading and writing comprehension. TKBI is an English language test at a high academic level. TKA tests science and technology academic ability (Saintek) that includes mathematics, physics, biology, as well as chemistry, and social and humane academic ability (Soshum) that covers sociology, economics, geography, and history. All requirements and procedures for SNMPTN and SBMPTN are accessible at https://ltmpt.ac.id/.


3) Seleksi Mandiri UNS (SM-UNS)

Students who graduated within the last three years, as in SBMPTN, are eligible to register at SM UNS. Students will be selected using a variety of schemes, including exam-based (SMJU), partnership-based (SMJK), achievement-based (SMJP), leadership-based (SMJKM), acceptance for special applicants with special needs (SMJD), and acceptance of overseas students. Terms, conditions, and procedures for independent selection can be accessed at https://spmb.uns.ac.id/.

Concerning the specifics of the study programmes, FST SP and AEC SP apply special provisions; students applying the study programmes must major in natural science. In addition, regarding practicum subjects requiring the ability to distinguish colours, FST SP, UNS requires special provisions; the applicants may not be partially nor completely colour blind, whereas AEC SP, UNS requires that they may be partially, yet must not be completely colour blind (Rector’s Decision No. 639/UN27/HK/2022).

UNS also accepts prospective international students for Bachelor’s Degree Programmes and the registration is available online. Candidates who pass the administration selection will be subjected to a computer-based test, followed by an interview. The requirements and registration procedures are accessible at https://spmb.uns.ac.id/berita/show?id=166.est

Prospective UNS students can apply through either the regular or scholarship application process. In terms of scholarships, students can apply using The Indonesian Smart College Card (Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah / KIP-Kuliah). They can submit their applications at https://kip-kuliah.kemdikbud.go.id/. Furthermore, UNS offers full scholarships and partial scholarships to prospective international students. Scholarships for international students can be accessed at https://spmb.uns.ac.id/berita/show?id=166.

In order to improve the quality of student input, procedures, and new student admission requirements, Technical Implementation Unit of SPMB conducts an evaluation of the new student admission system at the end of the year, involving university, faculty, and study programme leaders.

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